As December begins and the count down to Christmas is upon us, thousands of pounds worth of turkeys have been donated as part of the Maidenhead Advertiser’s Cracker Appeal.

A total of 31 free range turkeys, valued at £3,069 (worth £99 each) have been donated to the appeal by Copas Traditional Turkeys.

The six-kilogram turkeys are raised free range in Cookham Farm under the protection of “guard” alpacas. Two years ago the alpacas were brought on the the farm as they are recognised for being fantastic guard animals and help to protect the turkeys from foxes.

Before they were brought in, 160 turkeys were killed annually by the nocturnal predators however this year there have been no casualties thanks to the furry guardians.

copas farm alpacas protecting turkeys


It’ll be a Christmas to celebrate and remember as the birds will be donated to struggling families and elderly people in the community.

Simon Windsor, e-commerce and marketing manager at Copas Traditional Turkeys has commented on the Christmas appeal saying: “It’s a great… we are a local farm, and try to do as much as we can for the local community”.

The team at Cookham Farm are now well into their busiest part of the year, working non-stop to ensure that all the orders are ready for collection on Sunday 23rd December and an estimated 1,800 turkeys will be sold by then.

donation from copas turkeys















For us here at Lantern Maidenhead, we love to hear about such great work being done to help the local community especially in the run up to Christmas.

Lantern will be Maidenhead’s newest office building, providing a floor area of 19,000 sq ft. The four-storey building is to be located on the corner of Marlow Road and Sun Lane, just three minuets walk from the town centre, to arrange a viewing get in contact with us here.



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